
What our clients say about us?

Especialmente en estos tiempos, es difícil encontrar productos con los que crecí. Siempre que pienso en algo de mi campo en la isla, entro en esta página. Gracias por su servicio!

Heriberto del Valle
July 24, 2020

Gracias por enviar los productos rapido y frescos. Yo vivo en Wisconsin , original de Bayamon y me encanta poder ordenar productos que consumia en mi niñez. Mil gracias por todo y mucho exito.

Edward Melendez

Edward Melendez
July 24, 2020

Excellent products, very fast service, packaged well, would definitely order from you again.

July 24, 2020

My experience is great. Fresh products and a good quality.

Barbara Torres
July 24, 2020

Amazing as usual! a little bit of home delivered to me! <3

Gisela Santiago
July 24, 2020

Love it 😍

Maritza Zayas
July 24, 2020

All the items I ordered were packaged well and arrived in a timely manner. I have to admit that I ordered things that I have never used before, specifically some of the seasonings. But in watching cooking shows and seeing the use of some of the seasonings, I thought I’d try it. I’ve used a couple of them and was truly satisfied. One example is the Knorr Caldo con Sabor a Calabaza y Jamon. I made a pot of beans last week and added a cube and what flavor this created. Delicious! Many of the seasonings on your website are not available on the west coast, so, I appreciate being able to order them from you.

Reina Koll
July 24, 2020

I was so excited to have received my package it came so fast and everything i ordered was wwll packed thank you so much.

July 24, 2020

The delivery was unexpectedly fast. The products are fresh. So happy to have found this site, brings my heritage closer to home.

July 24, 2020

Muy Responsables el envío excelente….Les recomiendo hacer su pedidos…..Muy agradecida ….

Jessenia Mendoza
Antojos Boricuas
July 25, 2020

Excellent service and I arrive super fast the box I recommend it.

Xamara Gonzalez
July 25, 2020

Fast shipping, great product, well packaged and the food is amazing. I highly recommend Antojo Boricua.

July 25, 2020

Fast shipping, great product, well packaged and the food is amazing. I highly recommend Antojo Boricua.

July 25, 2020

Recibí la orden a tiempo y todos los productos llegaron frescos y con buena fecha de expiración. Les felicito por su gran esfuerzo y trabajo. Es una bendición poder tener en nuestra mesa productos de P.R, los cuales no se pueden conseguir en el area dònde vivo en la Florida. Continuaré haciendo pedidos con ustedes. Dios les bendiga y continúe prosperando su empresa!

July 26, 2020

I have a very good experience with this company and very satisfy with my products I will recommend this company to anyone and I lived in Virginia and my delivery was not that long at all, I will be using this company to place my orders again, thank you …

Yo estoy super satisfecha con la Buena experiencia que tuve con esta compania y la continuare usando y los productos super Buenos, definitivamente continuare usando esta compania para continuar hacienda mis ordenes, yo vivo en Virginia y el tiempo que se tomo mi entrega por correo no fue nada largo para mi fue buen tiempo, muchas gracias

Cindia Ruiz
July 26, 2020

Fast shipment ,fresh product highly recommend

Carmen Santiago
July 13, 2020

Amazing products. Easy to order and deliveries are fast.

Janice Perez
July 13, 2020

Great products, I’ve never been to Puerto Rico but have heard much about it from colleagues. Thanks for letting me try a piece of the island all the way over here in California 😊🥭🥥🍍🍬🍰☕ fast shipping!

July 13, 2020

Great service

Raymond Santiago
July 13, 2020

I love this company! Fresh bread and quality food! Thank you!

Leticia Martin
July 13, 2020